Outdoor Experience Days Application Process
General Information
Children be must eligible for Kindergarten to Grade 2 in order to apply. Children must turn 5 years old prior to December 31 and cannot be older than 7 years old at the start of the term/year. Children must be physically capable of hiking in the forest on uneven and hilly terrain, capable of carrying a backpack with food, water, changes of gear and extra layers, and have the ability to remain safe in the forest (e.g. respond to commands to stop, stay with the group, etc.) Currently enrolled children and siblings, and LFS preschool alumni will be placed ahead of new applicants regardless of their application date.
Outdoor Experience Days (OED) offers a year-round programme that runs from September to June and Sessional Programmes that run 10 or 12 weeks at a time may added if there is demand.
Step 1: Apply for Outdoor Experience Days
Year-round Programme 2024/2025
Applications for the year-round programme are ongoing throughout the year and begin in Feb for the upcoming year. Your child will be placed on a time-stamped, and dated waitlist, in order of application Completing the application does not ensure that your child will be offered registration in the programme. There is no fee to apply.
Sessional Programme
Applications for sessional programmes open twice per year and will be listed on the website. When open, your application will place your child in a time-stamped, dated waitlist order. Completing the application does not ensure that your child will be offered registration in the programme. There is no fee to apply.
You will be contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your application to confirm that your application was received. Unfortunately, we are unable to identify the exact position of your child on our waitlist due to many circumstances (number of children returning, number of siblings, etc.)
​Year-round Programme 2025/2026
Applications will begin Feb 10 at 11:00am Apply here
Step 2: Registration & Enrolment
Year-round Programme
Registration for September typically starts in February of each year for returning students and In March for new students. Occasionally, spaces become available mid-year. Registration fee is $75.
If your child is placed into a class, you will be sent an Offer of Registration by email. At that time, you will be asked to respond by accepting or declining. If you accept the Offer, you will be directed to complete the online registration form. If you decline the space, your child will not be enrolled, and will be removed from the waitlist.
Step 3: Tuition Deposit/Payment
Year-round Programme 2024/2025 - $1700 annual tuition fee ($170/mth)
Year-round Programme 2025/2026 - $1750 annual tuition fee ($175/mth)
Instructions will be provided for a tuition deposit due July 1. The tuition deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE and is the equivalent of 1st mth tuition. A welcome package, including the school calendar and gear list, will be provided to all students after the tuition deposit has been paid. Payment options are monthly, by term or annually.
Langley Forest School is an inclusive school and strives for integration, however, on occasion, the unique needs of an individual child cannot safely be met in a forest school setting. Should this occur, it may be deemed by Langley Forest School that your child cannot be appropriately supported in a forest environment. In this case, enrolment may be denied or your child may be enrolled conditionally.
Please Note
If you are interested in applying for subsidies through external home-schooling organizations, we will assist you to do this. You must, however, pay any amounts due to Langley Forest School when they are due. Once the subsidizing agency has approved your application and forwarded the funds to Langley Forest School, you will be reimbursed.
Please contact the Langley Forest School Administrator if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent providing payment to Langley Forest School. We are pleased to discuss payment options while you await subsidy approval.