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Preschool Application Process

General Information

Children must be 3 years + 3 months AND fully toilet trained at least 3 months prior to school start. For September 1 enrolment, children must be 3 years old by June 30. Children must be under 5 years of age at the time of registration but may turn 5 during the school year.

Currently enrolled children and siblings of alumni will be placed ahead of new applicants regardless of their application date.

Step 1: Apply for Preschool

Complete the online application at any time. Applications are ongoing and will place your child in a time-stamped, dated waitlist order for both locations. Completing the application does not ensure that your child will be offered registration in your preferred programme.

You will be contacted within 2 weeks of submitting your application to confirm that your application was received. Unfortunately, we are unable to identify the exact position of your child on our waitlist due to many circumstances (number of children returning, number of siblings, number of children who prefer a different class/location, etc.)

Step 2: Registration

Registration for September typically starts in January of each year for returning students. In February/March, registration begins for new students. Registration is ongoing unti all spaces are filled (sometimes this is as long as into September). Occasionally, spaces become available mid-year.

When a space becomes available, you will be emailed an Offer of Registration. If you accept this Offer, you will be directed to complete an online registration form and send a non-refundable $75 registration fee to secure your child's space in the programme. You have 4 options once you receive the time-limited offer:

  1. Enroll: You and your child will attend an orientation and pay 1st month tuition on July 1

  2. Decline: Your child will be removed from the waitlist

  3. Pass: If you prefer another class/location, your child will remain on the waitlist in the same position as the original application (date and time).

  4. Defer: If you prefer to defer until a future date, your child will remain on the waitlist in the same position as the original application (date and time).

Step 3: Orientation & Enrolment

Once the registration form has been completed and the registration fee paid, your child will be placed on a pending class list and you will be invited to an Orientation Day. All families must attend an Orientation Day where you will meet your child's educators, school details will be provided, school forms will be collected and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Langley Forest School is an inclusive school and strives for integration. However, on occasion, the unique needs of an individual child cannot safely be met in a forest school setting. Should this occur, it may be deemed by Langley Forest School that your child cannot be appropriately supported in a forest environment. In this case, enrolment may be denied or your child may be enrolled conditionally, pending support.


Step 4: Tuition Deposit -  due July 1

3 days/week  - $4570    2 days/week - $3050       (2024-2025 annual tuition)

The provincial Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) has been renewed for LFS, which reduces annual tuition to:

$4000 - 3 days per week or $400/mth  ($457 - CCFRI of $57) 

$2670 - 2 days per week  or $267/mth  ($305 - CCFRI of $38) 


After Orientation Day, instructions will be provided for a tuition deposit due July 1. The tuition deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE and is the equivalent of the 1st mth tuition (3d - $400; 2d - $267).  A welcome package, including the school calendar and gear list, will be provided to all students after the tuition deposit has been paid.

Step 5: Mark Your Calendar

Langley Forest School completes a gradual entry process for all students during the first two weeks of school. After the two-week period, your child's educator will communicate and work closely with you to determine if any further gradual entry time is required.

As a non-profit organization, Langley Forest School holds a mandatory AGM in September of each year. Details for the AGM are included in the school calendar.

Affordable Child Care Benefit


General Information

The Affordable Child Care Benefit is a monthly payment to help eligible families with the cost of child care. Factors like income, family size, and type of care determine how much support families can get. Langley Forest School is a licenced preschool that meets the requirements of this programme. Further information, including how to apply, can be found on the Government of BC website.

Please contact the Langley Forest School Administrator if you require any information when completing your application.

Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI)

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Childcare Fee
Reduction Initiative (CCFRI)

General Information

The Childcare Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) is a daily fee paid to LFS by the provincial government. In turn, LFS reduces your families' tuition by the same amount.  The provincial government controls tuition increases year over year if the facility is enrolled in the CCFRI. For the 2024/25 year the amount is 3% of the Fraservalley  district benchmark. For the 2024/2025 year, this amount is  confirmed to be $4.75/day or $38/mth for 2d/wk preschool or $57/mth for 3 days a week, in reduced fees. The tuition increase and the fee reduction are applied automatically. - you do not need to apply and the fee reduction is not income indexed. 

Further information can be found on the Government of BC website.

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